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Doomworld: And now some unrelated questions.  Here's a photo someone took of your workspace at ION Storm a while back.  Are those Redneck Rampage and The Master Levels in the corner?
Sverre: That's my huge collection of full-game titles I've completed work on.  Hopefully Daikatana will be up there before the turn of the century! <:O
What's with all the Doom figurines on top of the monitor?
Heh, funny you should ask that. The pewters are arranged according to the my personal opinion of the monster's toughness. The marine is at the very end (next to the Cyberdemon) because he's the one who's kicked my ass the most. This will of course make no sense to someone who hasn't seen the picture of the pewters. :/
Do you still enjoy Carlsberg beer?
Carlsberg, er sannsynligvis verdens beste oel! Jo-hooo!
"Carlsberg makes me sassy, livid, and liable to ogle beasts of burden!  Woo-hoo!"
Shiet! I didn't know you spoke Norwegian! Er du paa bittet?
Um... yes.  And last but not least... "What is Sverre doing on Daikatana right now?  Hasn't he had enough time to build his nine levels or so?"  (Note: question asked previous to Sverre's departure from ION Storm, but it's still interesting :))
I'm sure a lot of people must be wondering about this, I know I do sometimes. ;) For those interested I'll try and explain. First off, designing levels for an incomplete game is a lot more time-consuming than doing freeware maps for already released games, or levels for an add-on pack. This sounds like a wimpy statement, but I do miss the "old days" of having everything on one plate from the moment you start the level. We're working with a changing game, which opens up a large can-o-worms. Here are some of those worms: 

1) Tools progress. When we first started making Daikatana maps we had no rotation of brushes, no carving tool, no models (decorative or otherwise) to put in the game and compile times were outrageous (3-4 days wasn't unusual). As the tools got better we had to update our maps as the old ones were no longer technically sound. 
2) Technology changes. We switched from the Quake 1 engine to Quake 2 in the middle of the project. The new renderer worked quite a bit different from the old one, so changes in face-counts made many maps redundant. Frequently, areas had to be rebuilt or scrapped altogether.  

3) Level-effects evolve. When we started out making the game we had a bunch of ideas for level-effects that were to go in the game. Coming up with ideas is of course a much quicker process than implementing them, so you're stuck with two options. One, you design with only what effects you have at the time and run the risk of your level not being cutting-edge on the effects side, or you later have to re-design it to fit the new effects. Two, you try to guess how the ideas will be implemented. This is obviously an inaccurate science and often lead to just as much work as re-implementing an effect later. My point is once again, we're working with an unfinished product, where we can't pick and choose from the game's final palette. This point is why id's own Doom maps are inferior to many of the later freeware-designs, or why there was only one level (well I only found one) in Quake 2 that had the cool 
"rising water" effect, etc. 

4) AI. As any level designer knows, the way the monsters behave will dramatically change the way your level is made. Well, for the longest time there was absolutely _no_ AI, and even now the AI isn't 100% done. We keep finding areas the side-kicks have problems with, which in the worst cases means a map must be heavily re-designed. We also have to make changes as new monster behaviours are completed, in order to best take advantage of their combat patterns. 

What this boils down to is that even though the architecture of the maps were finished relatively early we end up constantly updating the levels, to keep them up to speed with what the game can do. Playing catch-up with other games is another bad habit that slows things down, and is best avoided. These problems are of course present with all games, but I think we've had a particular issue with this on Daikatana. The team was 
after all assembled hastily and there has been a lot of flux on the roster. We're a strong group now though and the team has definitely learnt some valueable lessons on what order to complete tasks for future projects...

Whoo, that's a lot of readin'.
This is a monster now, an absolute monster. Be sure to include pictures of naked women or no one will read it. ;)
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